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REDACTED Page 91 of 190 (2)De Jure control of the Presidency over the Intelligence Services The Intelligence Services are divided between the military and the national services but both are under the de jure control of the Presidency. (i) The General Directorate of Military Counter-intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar, (DGCM)), is the bureau in charge of collecting all the strategic military intelligence data, both foreign and domestic, and to coordinate the diverse institutions or departments of military intelligence of the service components of National Armed Forces and the National Militia. It is under the direct control of the Ministry of Defence who himself reports directly to the Preisdent.367 (ii) The Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN)), is the premier intelligence agency in Venezuela It collects information on potential foreign and domestic threats to the security of the country, and contributes towards its neutralization. It is under the direct control of the Ministry of Interior and Justice himself reporting directly to the President.368 Furthermore, despite the serious allegations of crimes committed by the SEBIN, the SEBIN Director, Gustavo González López, has recently been promoted to Minister of Interior, and currently holds both offices thereby cutting the chain of command short.369 Figure 4: President’s de jure control over the military and national intelligence services 367 Ministry of Defence, Resolution Nº 018758 (Jun 20, 1973). 368 Gaceta Oficial N°39.436 01 (Jun 1, 2010) 369 ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2015) Gustavo González López designado como ministro de Interior. Últimas Noticias. [Online] 9 March. Available from: como-ministro-de-.aspx#ixzz3YOTutOE6 [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; GLOBOVISION. (2015) Designan nuevos ministros de Interiores y Despacho de la Presidencia. Globovisión. [Online] 9 March. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 368 Gaceta Oficial N°39.43601 (Jun 1, 2010)

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