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DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRY The Ph.D. degree in chemistry requires evidence of high quality scientific research leading to peer-reviewed publications along with classroom teaching, laboratory supervision, and proposal and manuscript writing experiences. The program covers all modern areas of chemistry including analytical, biochemistry, computational, environmental, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry and interdisciplinary areas in biomedical, energy, environmental, and material research. The intensive graduate training includes formal lecture courses, hands-on laboratory and theoretical research experiences, teaching experiences, independent proposal development, preparation of manuscripts, and preparation of a research dissertation for publication. Contact: Dr. Hongtao Yu Program Director Phone: 601-979-2174 Dr. Dalephine Davis Associate Program Director Phone: 601-979-2171 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE The Ph.D. Program in Environmental Science is an advanced multidisciplinary academic program that integrates all science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields to train and produce highly skilled environmental scholars who are able to solve complex environmental issues in a cost-effective manner. Crucial environmental issues such as climate change, sea level rise, hazardous waste disposal, spread of pathogenic agents, water contamination, air pollution, loss of biodiversity, oil spills, depletion of non renewable resources, saltwater intrusion, food chain contamination, and environmental degradation are often associated with adverse health effects and severe ecological, sociocultural and economic impacts. Hence, the Ph.D. Program is designed to transcend traditional academic disciplines to deliver a high quality graduate education and to conduct hypothesis-driven research that will provide a scientific basis for addressing these important environmental issues. The program emphasizes basic, translational and applied research as well as teaching and learning that contribute to solving the world’s pressing environmental challenges. Contact: Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou Program Director Phone: 601-979-0777 Inez K. Johnson Program Manager Phone: 601-979-3321 PH.D. PROGRAMS PAGE11 Dr. Hongtao Yu Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou

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