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Jamhuricares Newsletter 16 01

today to arrange for a free in-home conference and assessment! 800-547-2851 Medication Reminders It’s a fact of life; everyone forgets to take a medication dose at one time or another. But as we age, the list of medications prescribed by our doctors grows and the number of times per day we have to think about it multiplies. For a growing number of Americans, forgetting a medication dose or taking the wrong dose can threaten both health and quality of life. This failure to follow the doctor’s prescribed orders is what the medical community calls “noncompliance” or, more recently, “non-adherence.” Both of these terms mean the same thing: that the patient is not properly following a prescription regimen. Even when the doctor has provided a regimen that the patient dutifully agrees to, and even though these prescriptions are filled at various pharmacies, the medications must still be sorted and then scheduled collectively. Today there are a number of medication reminder technologies If the senior is capable of purchasing and storing all of his or her medication and simply needs a reminder to take them, then a phone-based solution may be enough. On the other hand, if a large quantity of pills must be preloaded into categories and taken scheduled times, then a pill box solution may be just the thing. And it's worth considering a personal emergency response system (PERS) that incorporates medication reminders if other safety factors (like ) are involved.

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