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marketing researching

13 RESULT POLLS 1.E-Commerce favorite brand? MARKAFONİ % 50,0 HEPSİBURADA % 37,5 GİTTİGİDİYOR % 12,5 SAHİBİNDEN % 12,5 TRENDYOL % 37,5 2.Which following brand on the Net? FACEBOOK % 12,5 TWİTTER % 0,0 SİTES % 87,5 DON'T FOLLOW % 12,5 3.Why are you using internet on mobile phone? FOR DEBT PAYMENT % 0,0 FOR SOCIAL SHARING SITES % 100,0 LATEST NEWS FOR % 0,0 DOWNLOAD PROGRAM % 0,0 4. Why are you doing shopping over the internet? CHEAP % 37,5 QUALITY % 0,0 RELIABLE % 0,0 PRODUCT TYPES % 75,0

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