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Reproduced by Australian Atatürk Cultural Centre Inc. 15 particularly difficult about it. But there should be conformity between the occupation chosen and the aptitudes and preferences of the person in question (...). A person can greatly enjoy observing the progress of his work or business. This enjoyment is the same whether the work in question concerns the farmer's crop, the architect's house, the sculptor's statue, the scientist's discovery or the artist's creation. This enjoyment immediately eclipses the toil, the sweat behind the plough or the artist's or thinker's weariness even though it may sometimes be overwhelming. Labour is a social duty. Man does his work, but it is only thanks to society that he may develop his work into something useful and valuable. It is in this way that a permanent link can be established between the individual and his work. If the work done is beneficial to nobody, then the effort expended is fruitless. For this reason, only work of the kind that is beneficial to society should be undertaken. It follows that labour is a social duty. Work is a moral obligation. Even rich people with high incomes are subject to the same obligation. A person's assets should be used to help increase the wealth of the nation. A rich person may refrain from physical labour but if so he should follow an occupation, which exercises the mind.37 International Relations Countries with democratically elected governments may form partnerships, but this is only justifiable and beneficial if it is directed solely in the cause of peace. Those who do not see and fully comprehend this point will not be able to reach a sound opinion or a fair judgement on the work we have accomplished.38 Unless peace, frankness and harmony co-exist among all nations, no one nation can have peace no matter how hard it tries (...). For this reason, the whole of humanity should be regarded as a single body, and the different nations as organs of that body. The pain at the tip of the finger affects all the other organs (...). If there is a disturbance in some far comer of the world, we should not say "What do I care?" We should be as concerned as if it were in our own country. No matter how distant the scene of the disturbance, we should remain involved. Involvement such as this absolves people, nations and governments from selfishness. Be it on a personal or a national level, selfishness should always be abhorred.39 All men are the organs of a social body. For this reason, they are joined to each other. These reciprocal ties make people responsible for each other (...). Such interdependence is natural and social and has economic ramifications.40 Solidarity and the Interdependence of Human Beings We can get a fair idea of the interdependence of human beings by looking at history which shows that the struggle for survival takes place between individuals and societies as a result of differences in race, religion, culture and education (..). Further, the requirements of the interdependence theory, which we have adopted, may be set out under the general headings of social welfare and security, and this is achieved, in practice, by making a number of social provisions and by moving in the direction of

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