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case michal yakir from hom. links ear Ros-d

guard, causing the intra-relationship to be difficult and physical infertility at times. Also the need of the now fully developed Ego to display itself, prove oneʼs worth and find oneʼs place in society can escalate to a clash with the world. Physically this can be expressed as allergies or a tendency to get worms: any other thing that violates oneʼs boundaries or is even perceived to do it. Table 2 Wondrous Order: The table at a glance. Old age No Remedies Arales Empty column Zingiberales Orchidales Dioscoreales Young adult No plants here Orchidales Juncales Liliales Adolescence Graminales School age Aracales Early childhood Babyhood- basic trust Beginning of life Before birth ALISMATIDAE ARECIDAE COMELIDS LILIDAE Monocotyledons Before separation Here or there The Hero Nourishing Maturity The Other Relationship The Group in the world Dicotyledons Magnolids Hamamelids Caryophyllids Dillenids Rosids Asterids Birth, before life, connection to the neither world, unwillingness to be born, difficulties in confronting the self or the inner world. Deep connections to the subconsciousness, myths. The shaman. Magnoliales Illiales Nympheales Urticales Dileniales Theales Rosales Myrtales Polemoniales Beginning of life [oral stage] feeling secure about existence, experiencing basic stability, first connec- tion to mother. Acknowledging the other versus autistic isolation, suspicion, disbelief, hopelessness. Piperales Urticales Saraceniales Fabales Infancy [Anal stage], autonomy, dependence, [mother time] separation borders (skin diseases), getting control. The Will formation, shame, criticism, being oneself versus self-doubt. Laurales Hamameli- dales Malvales Geraniales Malpigiales Gentianales Early childhood, play, curiosity, inquisitiveness, pulling apart. Initiative – or none. Paralysis, sex, penetration. Unable to take role or set a goal. Aristolo- chiales Ranunculales Hamameli- dales Caryophy- liiales Malvales Malpigiales Violales Euphorbiales Gentianales Scrophular- iales School time, latency, capability sense, preparation to life [father time], learning norms and rules, be- ginning of social learning. Unreadiness to learn, feeling inadequate, not fitting in, inferiority. Not recognizing roles. No purpose Ranunculales Juglandales Caryophy- liiales Sapindales Cornales Rhamnales Scrophular- iales Adolescence, identity integration or confusion. Self-image reflected from outside. Body image. Adolescence themes: freedom, excitement, search meaning, imaginations, fancies and planning. De- pendence on group. Looking for meaningful figures. Myricales Polygonales Plumbagi- nales Primulales Rhamnales Rubiales Early adulthood, young adult, establishment of independence, of position. Breaking off depen- dence, developing capability to real friendship and caring to the other, > inability to intimacy, isolation. Forming love relationships and partnership. Santanales Lamiales Adulthood, creativity and fertility. Ability to care and concern about the other, to give. Ability to de- vote to ideas, to higher ideal. Finding self-expres- sion. Versus selfishness, not changing, conserving. Papaverales Fagales Ericales Cucurbitales Capprales Celastrales Apiales Dispacales Campanu- lales Asteridales Old age, completion and wisdom. Retirement, preparing for death, towards unification of the I. Inability to collect, understand and unify life im- pressions, leads to bitterness, hostility, dissatisfac- tion, life has been a waste, despair. Dependency and fear of death. End of any process. Papaverales Capparales Salicales Apiales Asteridales Michal Yakir, A Case Study – Homœopathic Links Spring 2013, Vol. 26: 6–11 © Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.10 MATERIAMEDICAANDCASES
