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case michal yakir from hom. links ear Ros-d

Case of a Child Suffering from Ear Infections This is a case study of a four-year-old child, arriving with his mother for a first consul- tation on 28.4.10. Observation: a delicate looking child, with an adorable smile. Plays with the fairies and butterflies on my desk. The problem for which they approached me: repetitive ear infections. The child suffers from a common cold most of the time. The mother tells me that since he was a baby he suffered from recurring ear infections, a condition accompanied with secretion from the ears. He constantly suffers from the common cold, which became a chronic condition with a constantly stuffed nose. The last ear infection occurred a month ago, when he was found to have enlarged ade- noids, a third tonsil and an air blockage. The teacher in his playschool thought his hearing was decreasing. Medical findings showed a slight decrease. He grinds his teeth at night, especially when it is noisy – for instance, when his baby brother cries. Still wets his bed at night. The mother narrates “He has two older brothers (8, 11) and a younger one-year-old brother (received him relatively well, pretty much ignores him…) He is an amazing child, he becomes accli- matized quickly everywhere. He is very cool and gets along with everything. He has no anxieties during day-to-day life. He was always a calm child, and this is why I decided to have yet another baby… but perhaps, something which is suppressed during the day surfaces at night? During the day he is calm, but a medium we con- sulted suggested his anxieties are related with a past life. …He is occupied with what happens when one dies, what will happen when he dies? When his mother dies? He is a sensitive child, and highly sociable. He is friends with everyone in his play- school; when he sees someone from afar he will call him even if he is on the other side of the street. He is also quick to be- friend new children. He has a highly developed imagination and a high ability to concentrate; he can occupy himself on his own. He likes cuddling, falls asleep at night while stroking me. He is good with girls. He is not a fighting, physical boy. (Strokes himself with a feather at my office.) Knows how to express love, to cuddle and hold, can even hug and kiss his friends from time to time. Communicates, like my husband, some- thing optimistic, happy and safe. However, like him, he is addicted to control: he is bossy, tries to dictate the course of events so that things will go the way he intends them to. He dislikes changes. Rigid, even though from the outside he appears soft and sweet. Highly competitive – he has to be in first place, it is very important to him, to be number one – with his siblings in particu- lar, even though he is younger than they are. When his siblings fight he tells them – he is friends with both of them. On the one hand he competes with them and on the other, it is highly important that everyone likes him. Should one brother tell him, “I am not your friend” – he wants to die. This really threatens him. It is highly important that they will not be angry with him. If I am angry with him – he is worried about it, from a young age”. He is short for his age. Cravings: Sweets (3) especially lollipops, purple, pink and red ones. He likes to eat chocolate and cheese. Otherwise he is not much of an eater. He is not fond of tomatoes (recently) and potatoes. Pregnancy was desired and healthy but the labor was induced (Pitocin) since he was not yet born by his due date. “The hospital pressured us to induce the labor, but it was unnecessary. The birth was horrific, and I went through immense pain. I felt horrible contractions – the worst pain I ever felt.” Speech late: it took a while until he spoke. To this day he mispronounces words. Pimples? The mom suffered from them as a teenager, the father did too. Case Analysis In approaching this case I used the Table of Plants structure (see further details later on), as the case demonstrates clear indica- tions of the fifth column in the Table: the competitiveness, bossiness, his need to control others, to be the first, to be “taller”. All that points to the fifth column. His need to establish relationships, his needs to please others, to be likeable in a charming way along with excessive emotional sensi- tivity, occupation with the world beyond, S U M M A R Y This case demonstrates the use of my systemʼs table of plants in arriving at and deciding the remedy – and understanding the reasoning in this case. KEYWORDS Table of Plants, Rosales, Rosa damascena, Wondrous Order MATERIAMEDICAANDCASES A Case Study Based on the Wondrous Order Plants Table Michal Yakir, Israel Michal Yakir, A Case Study – Homœopathic Links Spring 2013, Vol. 26: 6–11 © Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.6
