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case michal yakir from hom. links ear Ros-d

diction, it complements and adds depth to case analysis, regardless of whether the ap- proach is of a conservative or modern ho- meopathic method. Extended description of the essence of the columns The First Column (Unity) depicts an initial state of awareness to the unified feminine quality element that, by its nature, gives birth and initiates processes. The first col- umn represents a unity with the infinity from which everything bursts, and is sym- bolized by water, first chakra and more. Problems or lessons related to the first col- umn can be expressed as a lack of bound- aries and discrimination, a weak, depen- dent and influenced Ego, spaced out and inattentive. A state of awareness might be there, yet the inability to act. Typical rem- edies are: Op, Staph, Arist, Lotus, Asar, Nux- m, Acon, Puls. In the Second Column (Here or There) the initial separation begins (a first masculine impulse enters the process of the table), fol- lowed by a sense of smallness and weak- ness, as effort is put into “standing by one- self”. Issues presented are related to being small or big, being in this world or remain- ing in the other world (or remaining in any other previous state). Here or there, indeci- sion, “should I return to the unified state or should I separate?” “Will I create bound- aries or will I have them blurred?” Rem- edies such as Cann-i, Urt, Ficus and Quercus are characteristic to this column. The strug- gle and lessons are still in the territory of the feminine quality. In the Third Column (The Hero), there is a strong and intensive battle to separate from the feminine-maternal quality that though before gave life, is now perceived as stran- gling and limiting. Expressed as a struggle to separate from anything that appears “controlling”, the developing Ego fights for its individuality: with the characteristic statement: “I want to do it my way”. Char- acteristic remedies are the various Cacti. In the Fourth Column (Nurturing and Ma- turity), the maternal element is attaining maturation. After the previous columnʼs journey in the feminine element, the indi- viduation process reaches a stage where it necessitates gaining equanimity: an ability to nourish or be nourished, provide, give or take without being belittled for it. The lesson obtained is maturity of the maternal quality, an ability to give or receive yet keep your separate individual identity. Imbal- ance at this final maternal column would be expressed as mother/daughter issues, family issues, complications related to motherhood and elements of abandonment and dependency. We shall often see over- responsibility for the family, anxiety about family matters and carrying the burden of family, which sets the ground for exhaus- tion of personal energy, fatigue and back pains. Eating and digestive disorders will often ensue. Typical remedies are Bamb, Sacc-a, Trit, Cypr, Thea, Choc, Bry, Brass, Sin-a. In the Fifth Column (The Other), the Ego is already solid and constructed. In order to continue its development, the Ego must at- tend fully the lessons of the masculine quality, which creates boundaries, rules and separation, giving purpose and direc- tion. By the masculine borders, the Ego is enabled to realize what is apart from him- self, to separate from what is not himself – and thus come to meet the other, as an indi- vidual by itself. This separation allows a ma- ture relationship to be created, so that is why the subject of relationship is of utmost importance, especially in its beginning (i.e., the Rose family). Later on the emphasis turns to the expression and fulfilment of oneʼs role outside the family, to doing and acting. The split of the masculine from the feminine element is the strongest issue here, causing rigidity, stiffness, and in the end (like in the Conium family) to dryness and suppression of the feminine, emotional level. Relationship will be an issue in the beginning of the column, later to be shifted to suppression of the heart and relation- ships, competition, work, duties, rules, reli- gion and rigidity. Prominent remedies are Rose, Crat, Anac, Rhus-t and Con. In the Sixth Column (The Group), one meets the world at large, stands up to it, fights with it, conquers oneʼs place and de- fines oneʼs place in it. The sixth column fits our time: an age of individuality that verges on egotism. Here the feminine and mascu- line had not recovered from the split, thus fighting amongst themselves, always on Table of Plants Attributes Columns The columns present the 10 botanical Subclasses of the table, portraying a transformative journey of differentiation, separation, independence and individua- tion, while aspiring toward freedom from the Ego boundaries. The “Ego” is transported from a state of oneness, from the whole, indistinctive “Self”, towards formation and realization as an individu- al Ego – preparing to shed its Ego layer again, wiser than before. From unity to individuation and back to unity again. The journey is initiated by contending with the feminine element. Once the les- sons are learned, separation and a split from the feminine element occur, the struggle shifts, and the Ego has to face the masculine element. Gaining the mas- culine elementʼs experience and lessons allows departure from the Ego closure and progression toward interaction and a relationship with “the other” and with the world at large. From union and one- ness to a differentiated Ego, now able to be part of the outer world, to cooperate and unite again, yet retain its distinctive- ness and unique presence. In the developmental journey as present- ed by the columns, the human soul as- pires to acquire awareness, conscious- ness, identity and uniqueness, subse- quently returning to the source, this time though as a conscious part of the whole, a witness of creationʼs wondrous harmony. The Columnsʼ attributes are loosely linked to C.G. Jungʼs stages of develop- ment of the Ego. More about that in Won- drous Order, the systematic table of plant remedies. Rows The Rows present large botanical groups describing levels of development and maturation within each column, begin- ning with pre-birth and proceeding with infancy, childhood, adolescence maturity and finally old age. Rowsʼ attributes are based on Erik Erik- sonʼs human development stages [2]. Intersections Meeting points of rows and columns: Each column presenting as a stage of Ego separation and individuation progresses accordingly, expressed within itself through nine levels of readiness and ma- turity, presented by the rows. Michal Yakir, A Case Study – Homœopathic Links Spring 2013, Vol. 26: 6–11 © Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd. 9 MATERIAMEDICAANDCASES
