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Mother’s Day: This is a simple but important one. Speaking of which, have you called your mother lately? You really should. Do you understand the troubles she went through to raise you? It’s interesting, because you seem to be enjoying your life right now, but you can’t find a few minutes for the woman who brought you into this world? You know what, you should be ashamed of yourself. Seriously. There’s just no excuse for this kind of behavior. Yes. I mean it. Call her. Oh yeah, and, um, right, yeah, you should have a sale for Mother’s Day, too, while you’re at it. May the Fourth Be With You: If you’re anything like us, you probably got a little geek in you. And May 4th is the day to get down with your Star Wars self. More specifically, it’s the day to get your customers to come to the store dressed as Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and all the rest. How should you reward them? Maybe 40% off everything in the store. Or perhaps every fourth item free. You could even hold a costume contest, awarding the winner with a massive gift certificate. When it comes to treating your customers on this day, there are just a few words to keep in mind: “Do or do not. There is no try.” Cinco De Mayo: Listen, we hear you. There are a lot of problems with this holiday. First of all, there’s the cultural appropriation. There’s a whole article to be written on that alone, but it’s not for us and not for today. Secondly, there’s the “amateur hour” atmosphere. No one wants to watch a frat boy puking. But! Perhaps there’s a silver lining. Try serving chips and salsa, or giving 5% off everything in the store, or suggesting that people bring you their gaudy sombreros and trade them in for a discount. At least that way you’d be doing the world a service, right? World No Tobacco Day: Frankly, we couldn’t think of a better way to promote your store that sells—what’s that? Oh, riiiiight. Tobacco products. Well, this is awkward. We’re just gonna leave this here and let you think about how you might market it for a shop that sells products that aren’t for tobacco. You know, hypothetically? Yeah, we’re not talking about any real store, and we certainly have never visited a place like that, but they exist out there and maybe we just consider for a moment the sales they could hold on this day. OK? Cool. Memorial Day: Leave the jokes at home on this one. It’s a great day to honor our veterans and the families who have lost those in service. Discounts for military personnel, special deals for those who have been affected by war abroad—there are plenty of ways to serve your customers and your country on Memorial Day. And while we’re all for having fun, it’s important to remember those who have given us the ability to have that fun. HQTips SALES & PROMOTIONS HQ TRADE MAGAZINE APRIL 2016 76 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It’s hard out there for a retail shop. You’ve got customers to serve, bills to pay, appearances to keep up, lights to keep on, vendors to please, employees to please, and a whole host of other things to take care of that a humble trade publication like Headquest wouldn’t even think of in an intro to a goofy piece like this. But what we can do is offer some suggestions to help gets folks into your store, buying things and having fun. That’s the idea of this new monthly column which will detail a handful of promotional sales ideas for your store. Consider them a brainstorm—a place for jumping off into new ideas that will inject some life into your storefront. And let us know what you think. We’d love to come up with some suggestions for a theme that makes sense to you.

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