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The Canary News, ViewsAnd Sunshine - Summer '14

3The English Newspaper for Gran Canaria News, Views & Sunshine Summer 2014 #We have the power The initiative “We have the power” filed a complaint with the European Commission stating that Repsol’s EIA does not meet EU requirements. The Website offers information on legislation and activities against the oil drilling and shows the solution worked out by scientists and Canarian member of parliament Javier Morales. In short videos, professional watersports athletes help get the message across. The campaign is hosted by Clean Ocean Project and supported by Patagonia Environmental Initiative and the German energy company Polarstern. By speaking out against the dirty drilling and in favor of the clean renewable model, “We have the power” is raising awareness of the consequences of Spain’s inconsistent environmental policy, including the real costs. A petition opposing the drilling reflects the broad public support for the campaign to stand up to big oil. Those interested can find out more and sign at “We have the power” is also open to new volunteers and financial contributions. The initiative to stop oil drilling in the Canaries has placed hope not only in EU legislators, but also in Madrid. On June 10, Spain’s Supreme Court is set to rule on a challenge to the legality of Repsol’s exploration permit submitted by the Canarian regional government and the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote along with WWF, Ecologistas in Accion and Fundacion Cesar Manrique. Antje Beyen - In this context, the Spanish government’s decision to allow oil drilling just nine kilometers off Fuerteventura and Lanzarote is difficult to understand. WHTPAmbassadorJanniHoenscheid

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