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12 THETOURISTINPARIS.COM Your own media in Paris, wherever you’re from Why do visitors need The Tourist in Paris? The Tourist in Paris is a new media tool designed to give smarter information to worldwide travelers The Tourist in Paris is a French startup cofounded in 2014 by three longtime friends: Alexandre (President), Bertrand (Managing editor) and Diane (Art director). Alexandre, Diane & Bertrand Studies on foreign visitors conclude (or suggest) that they need better-targeted information to help them sort through a well-intentioned but misinformed tips, and a potentially life changing experiences. The Tourist in Paris is a digital and print platform dedicated to providing the best insights,tips,pieces of advice and recommendations from locals. We produce continent that matches the visitors’ origins, hobbies, and moods during their stay (partying, romance, artsy, foodie, etc...) or their circumstance while travelling (with their lover, their friends, their family and kids etc.). The Tourist in Paris is like an old friend who moved to Paris and is now writing to you with all of his experiences just as you embark on your journey. Thanks to a specific digital research tool, in development, that personalizes information and a print magazine distributed in and close to touristic areas, foreign visitors will receive tips close to their needs,about what to do,where to eat,where to party to improve their experience of Paris so that they can go home the most seasoned Parisians!

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