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Ed Jones - 07172013-1

USA Quebec Urban Spain Quebec Cree Quebec Inuit Japan Greenland Ed 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 Omega-3 Levels and Risk of Death from coronary heart disease (CHD), based on The Lands Test Source: Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) 76 55 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 US Average Ed Optimal <50% Percent Percent Omega-6 in HUFA 3. Omega-3 Levels and Risk of Death from Coronary Heart Disease The following chart shows the result of an analysis by biochemistry professor William E. Lands, Ph.D., in which he compared the estimated Percent Omega-3 Levels in HUFA in the blood of people from different regions to their risks of death from coronary heart disease. Your Percent Omega-3 in HUFA Score is marked on the sloping line as a blue diamond (): 4. Your Percent Omega-6 in HUFA Score Your Percent Omega-6 in HUFA Score is the part of your total HUFA that’s made up of omega-6s. For example, if your score is 50%, then omega-6s make up 50% of the total amount of highly unsaturated fatty acids in your blood. The average person eating a Standard American Diet has a Percent Omega-6 in HUFA Score of 76%. For optimal heart and overall health, your Percent Omega-6 in HUFA score should be less than 50%. Percent Omega-3 in Total HUFA Higher % omega-3 in HUFA predicts lower rates of death from heart disease 3 © 2011 Vital Choice Inc.
