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27Supplemental Activities C. Tidal Markers Create a series of tidal markers using scrap wood or other materials to demarcate tidal sea/water levels in your area/community. To start making your markers, paint your collected materials a neutral color. Measure and paint depth measure- ments with a bright color every half or quarter foot. Make sure to leave room at the bottom of your marker for where you’ll stake into the ground. If you live near an ocean or body of water affected by the tides, research tidal flow data to see when high and low tide occurs throughout each day and what levels to expect (check lunar calendar for low and high tide changes). Next choose a location to install and visit at various points during the day to see how the tidal depths have changed. If you’re not near a body of water, you can imagine these as temporary public sculptures and install with mes- sages or links to climate change websites. (Note: Please remember to get permission to leave your markers in a specific location, and work with some- one who can properly install each marker) NOTE: This can also be done in an arid climate near a riverbed. Another example artwork is the Boulder Creek Flood Level Marker Project by Mary Miss: D. HighWaterLine Blog Create an online blog to collect research gathered from your regional research station, and from reports, news sources and personal accounts. You can use a variety of online platforms for free including Blogger and Tumblr. Imagine yourself in the role of amateur journalist and create a summary and localized account of climate change information for others to view and use in your community. Invite a local environmental orga- nization or environmental scientist from local a university to come talk with you and your class/ community,andshareastoryonyournewBlog.Use #highwaterline to tag any media generated. (Note: If you have internet access restrictions in your school, get permission to use sites like from your principal) Assessment Idea: In each of these activities, assess participant’s proficiency with a “KWL” writing assignment asking those involved to answer three questions: what do you know, what do you want to know, and what did you learn? STAGE 1: UNDERSTAND Climate Change
