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13|A SENTENCE APART | Discussion Guide | AFTER THE FILM SAMPLE ACTIVITIES THAT GO DEEPER: ACTIVITY 2: TRUE/FALSE ACTIVITY Goals: • To provide a broader context for incarceration in the United States and its effects on everyday people • To build critical thinking and analysis skills Materials: • Signs: “True” and “False” • Tape Time: 30 minutes DIRECTIONS: The facilitator hangs signs on opposite sides of the room that read “True” and “False” When the facilitator reads a statement, participants move to the side of the room with the appropriate sign. After the facilitator reads each statement and the participants have stopped moving, the facilitator will call on one person from the “True” side of the room, one from the “False” side, to share their opinions and what led them to this conclusion. After reading all 10 statements, ask participants if any of the statistics surprised them, why or why not? Nearly one in four, or 25% of all prisoners worldwide are incarcerated in America. The State of California spends more money per year to keep an inmate in prison than in does to keep a student in elementary school. Juvenile offenders as young as age 14 in the state of California can be tried and sentenced as adults for a violent crime. When you include people on probation and parole, the adult prison population rises to 5 million people. Only one out of 10 offenders nationwide return to state prison within three years of release. One out of every three women in state prison is a mother of a child under the age of 18. Congress set aside $83 million for reentry programs in fiscal year 2011, slightly less than $120 per released prisoner. Those behind bars tend to be less educated; the average state prisoner has a 10th grade education, and about 70 percent have not completed high school. Two-thirds of all persons in prison for nonviolent drug offenses are people of color. Formerly incarcerated men and women cannot receive Federal Financial Aid Loans or Pell Grants if they have been convicted of a drug-related offense. 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9. 5 10 AnswerKey:1:T-$46kvs.$8k:U.S.S:CensusDataandVeraInstitute;2:T-S:NewYorkTimes;3:T-S:ThisisduetothepassageofProposition21in2000;4:F-The numberis7.2million.S:TheSentencingProject;5:F-Thenumberismorethanfour.S:ThePewCenterontheStates;6:T-S:TheWashingtonPost;7:F-Thenumber istwooutofthree.S:TheSentencingProject;8:T-S:PopulationReferenceBureau;9:T-S:GlobalCommissiononDrugPolicy;10:T-S:FederalStudentAid Legend:T=True;F=False;S=Source
